I am often asked by clients during their interview process: Should I Write a Thank you Note After I Interview with a Veterinary Specialty practice?
Absolutely. After interviewing with a hospital, the prospective employee should write a thank you note to the key individuals who were involved in the interviewing process. This should be done no matter what, even if the candidate does not want to work at this hospital, a thank you note should still be written. Nothing makes an impression like a hand written thank you note or NOT writing a thank you note.
Courtesy. In many cases, the hospitals have paid for the travel and lodging expenses of the candidate. Furthermore, it takes time to prepare for the on site interview. The doctors are also not seeing patients while they are interviewing candidates and for a busy specialists, this is significant.
Hand Written. The thank you note should be handwritten and addressed individually to the doctor(s) and/or hospital administrator and others who were instrumental in the process. A quick note will suffice and it will not be forgotten. The same holds true for those candidates who do not write a thank you note, it is not forgotten.
Questions? If you have any questions about interviewing for Veterinary Specialist positions, please feel free to contact me on my cell at 804.833.0585 or via email atlaura@vetcareerservices.com for further details. All communication is CONFIDENTIAL.
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